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Showing results 3489 to 3508 of 4764 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2015Predicting Object-Oriented Software Maintainability using Hybrid Neural Network with Parallel Computing ConceptKumar, L; Rath, S K
Dec-2020Predicting Sentiments to an accuracy matching thegesture recognized for the specially-abledMohanty, Jaganath Prasad; Swain, Ayaskanta; Mahapatra, Kamalakanta
Dec-2018Predicting Software Reliability using Computational Intelligence Techniques: A ReviewKumar, Kulamala Vinod; Teja, A. Sarath Chandra; Maru, Abha; Singla, Yogesh; Mohapatra, Durga Prasad
Aug-2016Predicting Success of Mergers and Acquisitions in Manufacturing Sector in India: A Logistic AnalysisLeepsa, N M; Mishra, C S
Nov-2023Predicting the Natural Frequency Response and Strain Energy Release Rate in Delaminated Adhesively Bonded Joints through Finite Element Analysis and Experimental ValidationNaveen Kumar, A; Biswas, Sandhyarani
Apr-2019Predicting the Trends of Price for Ethereum Using Deep Learning TechniquesKumar, Deepak; Rath, S K
Apr-2012Prediction and Analysis of Deposition Efficiency of Plasma Spray Coating Using Artificial Intelligence MethodBehera, Ajit; Mishra, S C
2008Prediction Based Dynamic Load Balancing Techniques in Heterogeneous ClustersChandra, Pushpendra Kumar; Sahoo, Bibhudatta
2007Prediction of Bed Expansion in Unpromoted and Promoted Gas-Solid Fluidized BedsKumar, A; Roy, G K
Mar-1999Prediction of Bed Expansion Ratio for Gas-solid Fluidization in Cylindrical and Non-cylindrical BedsSingh, R K; Suryanarayana, A; Roy, G K
2006Prediction of bed fluctuation ratio for gas solid fluidization in cylindrical and non-cylindrical bedsSingh, R K; Roy, G K
Dec-2022Prediction of Bed Load Transport in Heterogeneous sand bed Channel Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)Ojha, A; Kumar, A; Moharana, A; Sharma, A
2006Prediction of Drill Flank Wear Using Radial Basis Function Neural NetworkPanda, S S; Charkraborty, D; Pal, S K
Jul-2016Prediction of Energy Loss in Compound Channels Having Enlarging FloodplainsDas, B S; Khatua, K K; Devi, K
2006prediction of equilibrium solubility of co2 in aqueous alkanolamines through artificial neural networkRajesh, R; Chattopadhyay, S; Kundu, Madhusree
2008Prediction of Equilibrium Solubility of CO2 in Aqueous Alkanolamines Using Differential Evolution AlgorithmKundu, M; Chitturi, A; Bandyopadhyay, S S
2006Prediction of Erosion Behaviour of Plasma Sprayed Fly Ash Coatings Using Neural NetworkSatapathy, Alok; Mishra, S C; Das, Rojaleena; Mishra, S S; Ananthapadmanabhan, P V; Sreekumar, K P
2009Prediction of fatigue crack growth and residual life using an exponential model: Part I (constant amplitude loading)Mohanty, J R; Verma, B B; Ray, P K
2009Prediction of fatigue crack growth and residual life using an exponential model: Part II (mode-I overload induced retardation)Mohanty, J R; Verma, B B; Ray, P K
2009Prediction of fatigue life with interspersed mode-I and mixed-mode (I and II) overloads by an exponential model: Extensions and improvementsMohanty, J R; Verma, B B; Ray, P K