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Showing results 1 to 20 of 4916  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2018A 1.8 V 330 µW Tunable Waveform Generator for Sensor and Instrumentation ApplicationsPanda, Apurbaranjan; Singh, Ashutosh; Kar, Sougata Kumar
Sep-2015A 10-bit 500 MSPS Segmented DAC with Distributed Octal Biasing SchemeSarkar, S; Banerjee, S
Jul-2015A 10-bit 500 MSPS Segmented DAC with Optimized Current Sources to Avoid Mismatch EffectSarkar, S; Banerjee, S
Dec-2024A 13-bit Resolution High Performance Time Domain Comparator using Intermediate Buffer Based VCOBaig, Mirza Amanullah; Sarkar, Santanu
Sep-20102-D Separable Discrete Hartley Transform Architecture for Efficient FPGA ResourceSharma, V K; Agrawal, R; Pati, U C; Mahapatra, K K
Dec-2019A 2D dam break analysis of Indrāvati dam using hecrasNaveena, Kalakoti; Harikumar, Aditya; Patra, K.C.
Dec-20112D Trajectory-based Position Estimation and Tracking of the Ball in a Basketball VideoChakraborty, B; Meher, S
20093-D Reconstruction and Automatic Fusion of Edge Maps from Different Modalities of an ObjectPati, U C; Modi, A; Dutta, P K; Barua, A
Jul-20173D Image Reconstruction from Multiview ImagesBoora, Shivaprasad; Sahu, Bharat Chandra; Patra, Dipti
Apr-20173D Spatial-Temporal View Based Motion Tracing in Human Action RecognitionSilambarasi, R; Sahoo, Suraj Prakash; Ari, Samit
Apr-2016A 6-Bit 500 MSPS Segmented Current Steering DAC with On-Chip High Precision Current ReferenceKhandagale, S; Sarkar, S
Jul-2024An 8-bit 1 MS/s Low-Power SAR ADC with an Enhanced EPC for Implantable Medical DevicesKumaradasan, Deepika; Kar, Sougata Kumar; Sarkar, Santanu
May-2012Aacoustic emission trends in kaiser effect of rocks – a new approach for estimation of in situ stressJayanthu, S; Rao, G M Nagaraja; Prasad, BNVS
Dec-2019AAMI Standard Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection with Random Forest Using Mixed FeaturesPrakash, Allam Jaya; Ari, Samit
Dec-2024Absence of Wannier-Stark Localization and Skin Effect in Driven Non-Hermitian SystemsChakrabarty, Aditi; Datta, Sanjoy
Feb-1983Absorption Mechanism of Sulphur dioxide Pollutant in a High Temperature Fluidized Bed of LimestoneRoy, G K; Weisweiler, W
1982Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide by Limestone in a High Temperature Fluidized BedRoy, G K; Weisweiler, W
Nov-2008Ac conductivity in boron doped amorphous carbon filmsVishwakarma, P N
Nov-2022Ac-93253 Inhibits Intracellular Growth of Mycobacteria in Human Macrophages by Inducing Apoptosis in Mitochondrial-Dependent MannerKumar, Ashish; Naik, Lincoln; Patel, Salina; Das, Mousumi; Nayak, Dev Kiran; Mishra, Abtar; Mishra, Amit; Singh, Ramandeep; Behura, Assirbad; Dhiman, Rohan
Jul-2022Acceptor Interlocked Molecular Design for Solution-Processed Stable Deep- Blue TADF and Hyper Fluorescence Organic LED Enabling High-efficiencyAlam, Md Intekhab; Ram Nagar, Mangey; Nayak, Sandhya Rani; Choudhury, A; Joub, Jwo-Huei; Vaidyanathan, Sivakumar