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Title: A 13-bit Resolution High Performance Time Domain Comparator using Intermediate Buffer Based VCO
Authors: Baig, Mirza Amanullah
Sarkar, Santanu
Keywords: comparator
high precision comparator
time comparator
Intermediate Buffer
VCO based Comparator
Issue Date: Dec-2024
Citation: IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore, 1-4 December 2024
Abstract: This paper presents a VCO-based time domain comparator using intermediate buffers. The proposed comparator provides high resolution and better speed at low input voltage differences. In the comparator there are two different delay paths which have complimentary connections. Depending on the value of Vip and Vin one path will be faster than the other. In this comparator, the Vip and Vin provide the delay to the pulses generated by the close loop operation of the comparator. The faster pulse will overcome the slower pulse and the output will settle to a decision. This comparator deals in the time domain and consumes less energy for small input voltage differences as compared to the conventional comparator, mainly when the input difference is large. This comparator provides 13 bits resolution with a lower delay compared to EPC and it is 2.3x times faster than the conventional EPC
Description: Copyright belongs to the proceeding publisher
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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