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Showing results 3110 to 3129 of 4764 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2012A Numerical Study on Enhancement of Thermal Insulation Capability of Polyester By Reinforcement of Micro-Sized Rice Husk ParticlesDewangan, K K; Satapathy, Alok
Dec-2023Object Detection using NAO Humanoid Robot Based on YOLO ModelBiswas, Sougatamoy; Nandy, Anup; Naskar, Asim Kumar
2009Object Tracking in Video Images Using Hybrid Segmentation Method and Pattern MatchingPatra, D; Kumar K, S; Chakraborty, D
Jun-2019Observation of Room Temperature Raman, Magnetic and Ferroelectric Response of (𝟏 − 𝐱)𝐍𝐢𝐂𝐨𝟐𝐎𝟒 − 𝐱𝐁𝐚𝐓𝐢𝐎𝟑 Nanocomposites SystemKarmakar, Subrata; Sahoo, Bibekananda; Behera, Dhrubananda
Dec-2011An Observation on Performance Analysis of Grid SchedulerChandak, A; Sahoo, Bibhudatta; Turuk, A K
2006Observations on using Genetic Algorithms for Routing and Wavelength-Assignment (RWA) in All-optical networksSahoo, Bibhudatta
2012Observing the Performance of Greedy algorithms for dynamic load balancing in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing SystemSahoo, Bibhudatta; Kumar, D; Jena, S K
Nov-2012Occlusion prediction algorithms for multi-camera networkRaman, R; Sa, Pankaj K; Majhi, B
Nov-2015Occupational Health Hazards vis-à-vis Industrial Safety and Environmental Degradation – Case StudiesPal, B K
Aug-2019Occurrence of Hexavalent Chromium in Sukinda Ultramafic ComplexEqueenuddin, Sk. Md.; Pattnaik, Binaya Kumar
Nov-2022Ocean and Atmospheric Characteristics Associated with the Cyclogenesis and Rapid Intensification of NIO Super Cyclonic StormsPaul, Debashis; Panda, Jagabandhu
Nov-2019Offline Handwritten Signature Verification using CNN inspired by Inception V1 ArchitectureMohapatra, Ramesh Kumar; Kumar, Shaswat; Kedia, Subham
Jan-2022Offline Text Recognition Using Hidden Markov ModelShiraskar, Sandeep; Patel, Sanjeev
Dec-2015OHCS: A Database for Handwritten Atomic Odia Character RecognitionMohapatra, R K; Mishra, T K; Panda, S; Majhi, B
Dec-2011On an Algorithm for Detection of QRS Complexes in Noisy Electrocardiogram SignalDas, M K; Ari, S; Priyadharsini, S
2010On deposition and characterisation of MoSx-Ti multilayer coating and performance evaluation in dry turning of aluminium alloy and steelGangopadhyay, S; Acharya, R; Chattopadhyay, A K; Paul, S
2003On Design of a H∞ Controller for a Flexible Link Robotic ManipulatorSubudhi, B; Morris, A S
1997On Designing an Object Database for Land Information SystemSahoo, Bibhudatta; Panda, Sabita
Feb-2011On Distributed Self Fault Diagnosis for Wireless Multimedia Sensor NetworksMahapatro, A; Khilar, Pabitra Mohan
1996On fuzzy compact-open topologyDang, S; Behera, A