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Results 1-10 of 1464 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2020Demand Response Management using Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm IIRay, Pravat Kumar; Nandkeolyar, Shobhit; Lim, Chee Shen; Satiawan, I Nyoman Wahyu
Jan-2020Design of Fractional Order Controller Integrated with Renewable Resource in Multi Area Islanded MicrogridPatel, Suchismita; Ghosh, Arnab; Ray, Pravat Kumar
Jan-2020Security-Constrained Unit Commitment for Demand Response Provider - A Stochastic ApproachRay, Pravat Kumar; Jena, Chinmaya Jagdev
Dec-2020An IoT Based Air Quality Monitoring with Deep Learning Model SystemSrivastava, Harshit; Bansal, Kailash; Das, Santos Kumar; Sarkar, Santanu
Dec-2020An Interoperable ECC based Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for IoT EnvironmentSahoo, Asit; Sahoo, Shreeya Swagatika; Sahoo, Sampa; Sahoo, Bibhudatta; Turuk, Ashok Kumar
Dec-2020Sparse Robust Distributed Estimation by Diffusion AdaptationModalavalasa, Sowjanya; Sahoo, Upendra Kumar; Sahoo, Ajit Kumar; Yadav, Ajitesh
Jan-2020A Three Stream Deep Network on Extracted Projected Planes for Human Action RecognitionSahoo, Suraj Prakash; Ari, Samit
Jan-2020Screening of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms based on Machine Learning ApproachBajhaiya, Deepak; Babu, Anju R
Jan-2020A Survey: Security Issues and Challenges in Internet of ThingsYedle, Balaji; Shrivastava, Gunjan; Kumar, Arun; Mishra, Alekha Kumar; Mishra, Tapas Kumar
Feb-2020Ba2Co2Fe12O22 – ZnFe2O4 ferrite composite having equivalent permeability and permittivity for ultra-high frequency band antenna applicationsPolley, Kousik; Kushvaha, Suraj; Bera, J