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Results 1-10 of 18 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2021Comparison of Deadzone and Vanderpol Oscillator Controlled Voltage Source Inverters in Islanded MicrogridGurugubelli, Vikash; Ghosh, Arnab; Panda, Anup Kumar
Nov-2022Parallel operation of inverters by using Model Predictive Control in Islanded MicrogridDora, Shreeyanshmaan; Gurugubelli, Vikash; Ghosh, Arnab; Panda, Anup Kumar
Nov-2022Fuzzy Adaptive Droop Controlled Parallel Inverters for Microgrid ApplicationsMahapatra, Prateek Kumar; Gudla, Sai Kiran; Gurugubelli, Vikash; Ghosh, Arnab; Panda, Anup Kumar
Nov-2022Fuzzy Adaptive Droop Controlled Parallel Inverters for Microgrid ApplicationsMahapatra, Prateek Kumar; Gudla, Sai Kiran; Gurugubelli, Vikash; Ghosh, Arnab; Panda, Anup Kumar
Nov-2022Fixed Frequency Integral Sliding Mode Control for Bidirectional Switched Quasi Z-source DC-DC Converter in Standalone PV Connected SystemBattula, Santhoshkumar; Garg, Man Mohan; Panda, Anup Kumar; Senapati, Laxmidhar
Nov-2022Parallel operation of inverters by using Model Predictive Control in Islanded MicrogridDora, Shreeyanshmaan; Gurugubelli, Vikash; Ghosh, Arnab; Panda, Anup Kumar
Dec-2022Indirect Sliding Mode Control of Proposed Non-Isolated Zeta-based Dual output converterSenapati, Laxmidhar; Panda, Anup Kumar; Garg, Man Mohan; Lenka, Rajesh Kumar
Dec-2022A Variable Step Size Logarithmic Hyperbolic Cosine Adaptive Filtering-Based Control Schemefor Grid-Tied PV-DSTATCOM to Enhance Power QualityKarthik, Markala; Venkata Ramana Naik, N; Panda, Anup Kumar
Dec-2022A Robust Generalized Modified Blake–Zisserman Adaptive Filter-Based Control Scheme for Grid- Tied PV System to Improve Power QualityKarthik, Markala; Venkata Ramana Naik, N; Panda, Anup Kumar
Mar-2023Synchronization of Single-Phase Inverters using Deadzone and Hopf Oscillator based Controllers in Standalone MicrogridGurugubelli, Vikash; Ghosh, Arnab; Panda, Anup Kumar; Ray, Pravat Kumar; Sarkar, Indrajit