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Title: Detection of Vitamin D3 in Fortified Milk Using Carbon Dot as a Fluoroprobe
Authors: Ghosh, Samayeeta
Paria, Santanu
Keywords: Vitamin D3
Fortified Milk
Issue Date: Mar-2025
Citation: 51st Dairy Industry Conference, Patna, India, 6-8 March 2025
Abstract: Vitamin D3 deficiency is now considered to be a global issue. Last few years, Vitamin D3 testing has exponentially increased in recent years by using old conventional methods. In this study, we developed a carbon dot (CDs)--based biosensor for easy and hassle-free detection of Vitamin D3 in food samples. It has very stable physiochemical properties and outstanding optical characteristics. A simple one-step hydrothermal green synthesis has been used to fabricate the biosensor by using i.e., Berry Juice as precursor. Carbon dots are used in this study to develop a novel “turn off-on” type fluorescent sensor for Vitamin D3. The fluorescence quenching mechanism is the main working principle of this sensor. The limit of detection was found to be 9.74 nmol/L in this study.
Description: Copyright belongs to the proceeding publisher
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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