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Title: Improving Self-Fault-Tolerance Capability of Memristor Crossbar Using a Weight-Sharing Approach
Authors: Yadav, Dev Narayan
Thangkhiew, Phrangboklang Lyngton
Lalchhandama, F
Datta, Kamalika
Drechsler, Rolf
Sengupta, Indranil
Keywords: Fault tolerance
Memristor crossbar
Neural network
Issue Date: Dec-2024
Citation: 33rd IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2024), Ahmedabad, Gujarat (India), 17-20 December 2024
Abstract: The ability of resistive memory (ReRAM) to naturally conduct vector-matrix multiplication (VMM), the primary operation carried out in neural networks, has caught the interest of researchers. The memristor crossbar is a suitable architecture to perform VMM and additionally offers benefits like in-memory computation (IMC), low power, and high density. Memristorbased neural networks are typically trained using a mechanism where weight computations are carried out on a host machine and downloaded into the crossbar. However, due to faulty memristors in the crossbar, a cell may not be able to store the exact weight values, which may lead to inference errors. In this paper, we propose a weight-sharing method to improve the self-faulttolerance capability of memristor crossbar. In order to reduce the impact of faulty memristors, the weights are shared among different layers of memristors in a 3D crossbar. Simulation analyses show considerable improvements in the fault-tolerance capability of the crossbar.
Description: Copyright belongs to the proceeding publisher.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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