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Showing results 4765 to 4784 of 4810 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2023Wall Art and Installation as Placemaking Tools Applied to Indian Cities: Evidence from RourkelaSaha, Deepanjan
Nov-2011Waste Management in Mining IndustrySahu, H B
2016Water Absorption Behavior and Residual Strength Assessment of Glass/Epoxy and Glass-Carbon/Epoxy Hybrid CompositeMohanty, S C; Singh, B P; Mahato, K K; Rathore, D K; Prusty, R K; Ray, B C
Jun-2018Water Hyacinth (Eichornia Crassipes) as an Effective Biosorbent for sorption of PhenolMahapatra, M K; Kumar, A
1982Water Jet Machining: A state of artRay, P K
Dec-2022Water Quality Assessment Using Physico-Chemical Parameters And NSFWQI IndicatorDeepthi, K; Khatua, K.K
2007Wavelet packet-based digital relaying for advanced series compensated lineSamantaray, S R; Dash, P K
Oct-2024Wavelet Technique for Time Delay Fractional Optimal Control ProblemsSingh, Akanksha; Kanaujiya, Ankur; Mohapatra, Jugal
Dec-2013Wavelet Transform Based Error Detection in Signal Acquired from Artillery UnitPradhan, B B; Ari, S; Sahoo, G K; Jena, D K; Patra, S K; Appavuraj, R
2006WC–ZrO2 composites: processing and unlubricated tribological propertiesVenkateswaran, T; Sarkar, D; Basu, B
Jan-2024Weak Chelating Group Directed Palladium-catalyzed C-4 Arylation of IndolesGupta, Sandip Kumar; Panda, Niranjan
Oct-2024Weak Coordination enabled Pd(II)-catalyzed regioselective C-H functionalization of indoleGupta, Sandip Kumar; Panda, Niranjan
Mar-2017Wear Characteristics of Epoxy Based Hybrid Composites Reinforced with Short Hair Fibers and Glass Micro SpheresNanda, Bishnu Prasad
2009Wear Characteristics of Plasma Sprayed Nickel–Aluminum Composite CoatingsMishra, S C; Satapathy, Alok; Chaithanya, M; Ananthapadmanabhan, P V; Sreekumar, K P
2010WEAR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF PINE WOOD DUST FILLED EPOXY COMPOSITESKranthi, Ganguluri; Nayak, R; Biswas, Sandhyarani; Satapathy, Alok
Aug-2024Wearable Conductive CuCD@FCH nanoprobe for Dual Detection of Biomarker in Sweat and Human Motion DetectionBehera, Lingaraj; Mohapatra, Sasmita
2019Web service based credit card fraud detection byapplying machine learning techniquesPrusti, Debachudamani; Santanu Kumar, Rath
Jan-2011Web Usage Mining: An Implementation ViewKorra, S B; Panigrahy, S K; Jena, S K
Oct-2023Weibull M-transform LMS-Based Control Scheme for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic SystemKarthik, Markala; Ramana Naik N, Venkata; Panda, Anup Kumar; Behera, Sameer Kumar; Mohapatra, Prerana
Dec-2024Weighted (Residual) Varentropy and Its Applications in Reliability EngineeringSaha, Shital; Kayal, Suchandan