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Showing results 295 to 314 of 4764 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2024Assessment of Turbulence Parameters in Natural River Bed Under Low Flow ConditionsPriyadarshini, Aryalaxmi; Das, Vikas Kumar; Khatua, Kishanjit Kumar
Jul-2024Assimilating Remote Sensing Data In Crop Insurance Models: Multiple Approaches to Estimating Joint DistributionMurmu, Upelina Bina; Mahadik, Dushyant Ashok
Sep-2015Association Between of Ambient Air Pollution and Asthma Prevalencein Different Population Groups Residing in Eastern TexasGorai, A K; Tchounwou, P B; Tuluri, F
Dec-2023Association of Globular and Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Particle Based Coarse-grained ModelsRath, Rajendra; Biswas, Mithun
Feb-2012Assurance of Quality Improvement for Tool Steel by Cryo-processingRout, S; Behera, Ajit; Mishra, S C
Dec-2023Asymmetry around Local Defect Resonance Frequency in Sweep Vibro-thermographySharma, Manish; Bose, Tanmoy
Jan-2014ATLASTM based simulation study of the electrical characteristics of dual-metal-gate (DMG) fullydepleted (FD) recessed-source/drain (Re-S/D) SOI MOSFETsSaramekala, G K; Jit, S; Tiwari, P K
Nov-2017Atmospheric plasma spraying of industrial waste to enhance the erosion property of metalBehera, Ajit; Swain, Biswajit
Aug-2012Atomic Structural Features of Grain Boundary Complexions in AluminaBehera, S K; Harmer, M P
Dec-2019Atomistic Investigation of Mechanical Behavior for CNT Reinforced Nanocrystalline Aluminum under Biaxial Tensile loadingBabu, Pokula Narendra; Gargeya, B.S.K.; Ray, Bankim Chandra; Pal, Snehanshu
Sep-2024Atrial Repolarization Wave Features for Enhanced Heart Rhythm Classification using Extra-Trees ModelBhardwaj, Arya; Bala Chakravarthy, N; Kumar, R. Pradeep; Pal, Kunal; Sivaraman, J
1998An Attempt to Develop Sulfate Bonded Alumino–Silicate RefractoriesSarkar, D; Sengupta, P; Bhattacharya, N R; Das, S; Das, P K; Poddar
Jul-2018Attempt to End Life: a Prospective Study on The Risk Factors of Adolescent SuicideBiswal, Ramakrishna; Pathan Nargis, Yusufkhan; Paramananda, Rath
Jul-2021Attention Analysis in Flipped Classroom using 1D Multi-Point Local Ternary PatternsShaw, Rabi; Mohanty, Chinmay; Pradhan, Animesh; Patra, Bidyut Kr
Feb-2023Attention Aware U-Net Architecture for Semantic Segmentation and Detection of Ocean Eddy’sSaida, Shaik John; Ari, Samit
Aug-2024Attention-enabled Convolutional Autoencoder with Optimal Threshold to Detect Image Anomaly for Industrial Quality AssuranceNayak, Rashmiranjan; Dutta, Pritha; Pati, Umesh Chandra
Dec-2012Attitude towards Schooling of Tribal childrenPatnaik, B
Dec-2020Authenticating resilience of RTL codes againstPower Side Channel leakagesMohanty, Jaganath Prasad; Mahapatra, Kamalakanta
Dec-2021Autism detection using surface and volumetric morphometric feature of sMRI with Machine learning approachMishra, Mayank; Pati, Umesh C
Dec-2019AutoGstr: Relatively Accurate Sign Language InterpreterGupta, Devashish; Mohanty, Jaganath Prasad; Swain, Ayas Kant; Mahapatra, Kamalakanta