Browsing by Author Jayanthu, Singam

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Showing results 12 to 21 of 21 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2018Instrumentation for Monitoring Load on Supports in Underground Coal Mines – Case StudiesJayadarshana, Singam; Jayanthu, Singam; Sreeja, Singam Sai
Jul-2024Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Mining Operations Via-A-Vis Slope Stability AnalysisJayanthu, Singam; Mahapatra, Sweta; Sahu, Arun Kumar; Pati, Ashish Kumar
Jun-2023New Mining Methods and Strata Control Techniques for Underground Coal Mining and Its Eco-Friendly PerspectiveJayanthu, Singam
Feb-2017NexGen Technology for Estimation of in Situ Stress in Rock Mass Vis-À-Vis Application of Hydro Fracturing Techniques in Indian SitesJayanthu, Singam
Apr-2022Numerical Modelling and Monitoring of Slope Movements Vis-À-Vis Development of Trigger Action Response Plan For Opencast Coal MinesJayanthu, Singam; Singh, Pritiranjan; Sridhar, K; Satheesh, Gokul
Dec-2018Online Evaluation of Underground Mine Atmosphere and Scope of Application of WSN - A Case StudyJayanthu, Singam; S, Immanuel; G, Mohit; Vishal; Battu, P
Feb-2024Physical and Chemical Characterization of Fly-Ash and Overburden Soil for Metal RecoveryPatro, Arpita; Dokania, Puja; Jayanthu, Singam; Sarkar, Angana
Jan-2017Quantification of Slope Movement Using Time Domain Reflectrometry-An Experimental TrialKarthik, Guntha; Jayanthu, Singam
Oct-2018Real Time Monitoring of Ground Vibrations by Blasting In Mines Vis-a-Vis –a-Vis Wsn and Iot FrameworkPramanik, Jitendra; Samal, Abhaya Kumar; Jayanthu, Singam
Dec-2018Testing of Lora Module for Communications Systems in Opencast Mine- Vis-a-vis Slope StabilityYadav, Devendra Kumar; Jayanthu, Singam