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Results 4861-4870 of 4888 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2025Performance Analysis of Resource Allocation Algorithms for Vehicle Platoons over 5G eV2X CommunicationMandal, Gulabi; Roy, Anik; Palit, Basabdatta
Feb-2025Prediction of Hydrogen Storage in Metal and Complex Hydrides: A Supervised Machine Learning ApproachBhaskar, Allaka; Muduli, Rama Chandra; Kale, Paresh
Jan-2025Vegetation Degradation and Regrowth Analysis in Rajmahal Coal Mines (India) Using Time-Series Landsat Satellite DataRanjan, A. K.; Gorai, Amit Kumar
Feb-2025Spin Reorientation Induced Exchange Bias Effect in Sm-Substituted YCrO3Dash, S; Ray, Sujata K.; Mohanta, S; Bedanta, S
Dec-2024Analysis of a Concave Cylindrical Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for GSM-band ApplicationBegg, Mirza Wazed Ahmed; Maity, Sudipta
Dec-2024A Low-Cost SIW-based Wideband H-plane Horn AntennaBharali, Jyotirmoy; Maity, Sudipta
Jan-2025Design and Optimization of Hollow Microneedles Patch Based Wearable Transdermal Drug Delivery SystemMallik, Chinmay; Kumar, Prasoon
Feb-2025Transformer-Based Model for Building Classification Under Diverse Lighting ConditionsGhosh, Shawon; Panda, Santosh Kumar; Bishwal, Manoj Kumar; Sa, Pankaj Kumar
Feb-2025Reinforcing Clustering Accuracy in Healthcare Data Through Cluster-Driven Matrix Factorization for Accurate Data ImputationNayak, Subhashish; Khilar, Pabitra Mohan
Jan-2025An Innovative Product Design Solution towards the Development of a Weeding Robotic System in Dry Farm LandsDeepak, B B V L; Babuprakash, Sreeja Manickam; Jain, Sarthak; Anjali, Bogom