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Results 4831-4840 of 4888 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2024Identification of SW-GW Interaction Pattern in Coastal Agricultural RegionPanda, Shubhshree; Sahoo, Sanat Nalini
Jan-2025Effect of Variable Nonlocal Parameter on the Free Vibration of Axially Functionally Graded NanobeamsGartia, Akash Kumar; Chakraverty, S.
Jan-2025Advancing Health and Environmental Safety with a Nickel-Based Electrochemical Sensor for Aspirin DetectionKumar, Prakash; Kumawat, Adhidesh S.
Dec-2024Structural and Magnetic properties in Bi3+ substituted Strontium HexaferritePati, Anupama; Sahoo, Payala; Ray, Sujata Kumari; Sahoo, Alok Kumar; Dash, S.
Jan-2025Harnessing The Metabolic Potential of Marine Streptomyces in The Blue Economy Paradigm for The Sustainable Production of BioplasticBehera, Shivananda; Bala, Anu; Das, Surajit
Jan-2025Fabrication of Marine Fungal Biofilm-Based Biocomposites for Sustainable Application in Pyrene RemediationBehera, Abhaya Dayini; Kalsotra, Arushi; Das, Surajit
Jan-2025Lipid Rafts Disruption by MBCD Impairs EGFR/FAK Axis and ZRF1-Mediated EMT and Stemness in Oral Cancer CellsMishra, Jagdish; Manna, Soumen; Baral, Tirthankar; Niharika, .; Roy, Ankan; Chakraborty, Subhajit; Nandi, Piyasa; Mishra, Prahallad; Pradhan, Bhagyashree; Dash, Pujarini; Patra, Samir Kumar
Jan-2025Role of Trans-Disciplinary Translational Industry Oriented Research for Improvement of Safety in MiningJayanthu, Singam
Jan-2025Lovastatin Suppresses Stemness and Induces Differentiation in Glioblastoma Stem Cells via DNMT1-Mediated Epigenetic Regulation of Caveolin-1Baral, Tirthankar; Kirtana, R.; Manna, Soumen; Mishra, Jagdish; Roy, Ankon; Niharika, .; Nandi, Piyasa; Chakraborty, Subhajit; Mishra, Prahallad; Dash, Pujarini; Patra, Samir Kumar
Jan-2025Blasting Operations Near Structures: A Case StudyAla, Charan Kumar