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dc.contributor.authorSaran, Chandra Sekhar-
dc.contributor.authorSatapathy, Alok-
dc.identifier.citation1st International Conference on Mechanical Aerospace and Metallurgical Engineering (INCOMAME), NITTTR Kolkata, 22-23 November 2024en_US
dc.descriptionCopyright belongs to the proceeding publisher.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe wear behavior of epoxy composites reinforced with waste glass dust (WGD) and flax fiber is presented in this work. In accordance with ASTM standard, test specimens are prepared and evaluated. In compliance with the TAGUCHI design of experiments model, the tests are conducted utilizing a pin on disc sliding wear test apparatus. Statistical regression analysis and analysis of variance are used to create an empirical relationship for estimating wear. The findings showed that as the filler content increased so did the hybrid composites' resistance to wear. The brittle rip ridges and shattered WGD particles visible on the fracture surface of composites indicate micro-fracture mechanisms.en_US
dc.subjectwaste glass dusten_US
dc.subjectflax-epoxy compositesen_US
dc.titleTribological Performance Study of Waste Glass Dust Filled Flax-Epoxy Compositesen_US
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