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Title: PV System Dynamic Performance Maximisation Using a Novel Drift-Free MPPT Method
Authors: Kavuru, Srinivasarao
Behera, Pradyumna Kumar
Pattnaik, Monalisa
Ray, Pravat Kumar
Wijayapala, W.D.A.S.
Keywords: Standalone PV system
Maximum power point tracking
Perturb and observe
Incremental conductance
Drift-free MPPT
Issue Date: Dec-2024
Citation: 11th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), NIT, Surathkal, Karnataka, 18-21 December 2024
Abstract: Drift-free adaptive P&O and INC MPPT methods are proposed, which aims to improve the performance of PV system. In these drift-free methods, a change in current (ΔI) and a change in voltage (ΔV ) are incorporated to eliminate the right side drift. In addition, selecting a lower voltage threshold eliminates left-side drift in systems. A hardware prototype is developed for solar PV system by using DC-DC boost converter. The proposed algorithms are tested on 1.64 kWp laboratory setup for sudden change in irradiance level. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methods are free from drift and show improved performance of the system.
Description: Copyright belongs to proceeding publisher
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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