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Title: Comparative Study On Chipless RFID Tags with Flexible Substrates
Authors: Kumar, Chitturi Suneel
Charan, TKSV Poorna
Patre, Situ Rani
Keywords: Chipless RFID tag
flexible material
frequency-coded tags
slot resonator
wearable applications
Issue Date: Feb-2025
Citation: 13th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2025), IIT Roorkee , 24-26 February 2025.
Abstract: In this paper, a comparative study has been presented on FrequencyCoded Chipless RFID Tags with different bending styles and flexible substrates. The use of flexible substrates is essential in the development of wearable technologies. Flexible RFID tags is required to fit around the shape of an object. The RCS response characteristics of a tag must be same when tag is bent. However, the bending of a tag structure has an effect on the RCS response characteristics and increases the possibility of false identification. This study aims to understand the RCS response characteristics of flexible tag with different substrate and bending styles. For this study two tags one with circular ring-shaped slot and another with square-shaped slot are used. When both tags were bended using the horizontal axis of the tag, the square-shaped tag exhibited less frequency change compared to the circular ring-based tag. Similarly, the tags were bent using the diagonal axis of the tag, and observed the frequency change. Another comparison has made using different flexible substrates. Kapton polymer material exhibits the least change in RCS characteristics for different bending styles while textile material exhibits the most change in RCS characteristics among the given flexible substrates
Description: Copyright belongs to proceeding publisher
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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