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Title: Flexible GTVSG Power Quality Enhancement Using Resilient Heterogeneous Voltage and Current Control
Authors: Behera, Sameer Kumar
Pattnaik, Swapnajit
Panda, Anup Kumar
Mohapatra, Prerana
Naik, N. Venkataramana
Karthik, Markala
Keywords: Power quality
virtual synchronous generator control
LCL filter
resonant controller
virtual impedance
harmonic compensation
Issue Date: Jan-2024
Citation: Third International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies(ICPC2T), NIT Raipur, India, Hybrid, 18-20 January 2024
Abstract: This article proposes an resilient heterogeneous voltage and current control scheme (RHVCS) for a three-phase grid-tied virtual synchronous generator (GTVSG) system to provide harmonic compensation and consequently improve the system's power quality. The GTVSG system, as mentioned above, incorporates renewable energy-based distributed generation units (REDG) profoundly photovoltaic generators (PVGs) on the source terminal, having dynamic input characteristics. Considering the control aspects for GTVSG, it adopts various current and voltage control methods discussed in the literature. However, the proposed RHVCS implemented in the GTVSG digital controller helps reduce the number of low-pass/band-pass filter involved. Furthermore, the proposed controller uses a phase lock loop (PLL) less strategy which automatically necessitates the identification of the deviation in the GTVSG system frequency from the power control loop. The proposed RHVCS incorporates three different harmonic compensation objectives illustrated in different sections. Additionally, the proposed control strategy minimizes the digital controller's complexity without infringing on the harmonic compensation's performance, which is commendable. Finally, the above controller is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink platform
Description: Copyright belongs to proceeding publisher
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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