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Title: Control and Implementation of Interleaved DC-DC Converter-Based IPMSM Drive for Electric Vehicle Applications
Authors: Naidu, A Sanyasi
Samanta, Susovon
Keywords: IPMSM motor
Indian drive cycle (IDC)
Field-Oriented Control (FOC)
Interleaved bidirectional converter (IBC)
Issue Date: Jan-2024
Citation: Third International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies(ICPC²T –2024), NIT Raipur, India, Hybrid, 18-20 January 2024
Abstract: This paper discusses controlling and implementing an interleaved DC-DC converter-based Interior permanent mag­net synchronous motor (IPMSM) drive for electric vehicle (EV) applications. The choice of an IPMSM motor stems from its supe­rior efficiency and power-density characteristics. Field-Oriented Control (FOC) is employed for control purposes, providing independent control over the magnetizing and torque-producing components of the motor. Including an interleaved bidirectional DC-DC converter (IBC) within the IPMSM drive circuit enhances overall system performance and boosts battery voltage. Average current mode control (ACMC) is employed for IBC. Additionally, the interleaved converter promotes current sharing, reducing the size and weight of inductors while contributing to ripple reduction and enhanced system reliability. In this control scheme, the speed reference aligns with the Indian drive cycle (IDC), and the load profile is based on the dynamic model of an EV. The entire closed-loop system is simulated using MATLAB. Furthermore, the study observes the motoring and regenerative operations of the IPMSM employing the IDC.
Description: Copyright belongs to proceeding publisher
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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