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Title: Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag as A Potential Binder in The Geopolymeric Concrete - A Review
Authors: Chanda, Siba Sankar
Guchhait, Shyamal
Keywords: Compressive strength
Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS)
Microstructural analysis.
Issue Date: Apr-2023
Citation: International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure: Innovations, Opportunities and Challenges-2023 (SIIOC-2023), NITK, Surathkal, 20-21 April 2023
Abstract: This review article represents the activities of the potential behavior of Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) as a different backfilling material in the concrete. The current study considers the effects of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) concentration and percentage of GGBFS. The outcomes stipulate that the products and strengths generated from the reaction are depended on the NaOH concentration and different types of basic materials. The property of fresh concrete i.e. the slump values increase as the increment in GGBFS. The compressive strength increases due to the addition of GGBFS with a required proportion. The microstructural (SEM) analysis shows denser structure due to the increase in GGBFS and NaOH concentration. This current review paper suggests the potential use of GGBFS in GPC considering the enhancement of strength and microstructural characteristics..
Description: Copyright belongs to proceeding publisher
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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