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Title: Variations in Magnetic Behavior of Ferrimagnetic Nanoparticles with Temperature
Authors: Kumar, Abhishek
Jena, Hara Mohan
Gangawane, Krunal M.
Keywords: FMNPs
Ferrimagnetic Nanoparticles
Issue Date: Dec-2023
Citation: 76th Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON), Kolkata, India, 27-30 December 2023
Abstract: At 28℃, ferrimagnetic nanoparticles (FMNPs) were successfully synthesized using the chemical coprecipitation method. Comprehensive characterization included XRD, FTIR, FESEM, zeta potential analysis, and VSM over 100-500℃. The pure magnetite composition with a uniform spherical shape (19 nm) exhibited superparamagnetic behavior. The core-shell model aligned with experimental results, highlighting potential applications in heat transfer, oil recovery, phase change materials, and magnetic separation.
Description: Copyright belongs to proceeding publisher
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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