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Title: Effect of Depth Factor on Bearing Capacity of Conical Footing on Clay by Considering Combine Effect of Anisotropic and Non-homogeneity
Authors: Khandai, Bill
Nahak, Ashish Kumar
Khuntia, Sunil
Keywords: Bearing capacity factor
ack-up rigs
Conical footing;
Issue Date: Dec-2023
Citation: Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) IIT Roorkee, India, 14-16 December 2023
Abstract: Spudcans are axisymmetric and conical in shape and are an essential component of offshore drilling operations as they help to ensure the stability and safety of jack-up platforms. The present research examines the bearing capacity factor for conical footings on clays with linearly increasing anisotropic shear strength and based on depth factor. The analysis is done using finite element considering theories of limit analysis for anisotropic clay with anisotropic undrained shear strength (AUS) model. The anisotropic clay included in the AUS model has three anisotropic undrained shear strengths obtained from triaxial compression, triaxial extension, and direct simple shear. Four dimensionless parameters i.e., cone apex angle, strength gradient ratio, anisotropic strength ratio, and depth factor are considered. The bearing capacity factor increases with increase in depth factor, strength gradient ratio and anisotropic strength ratio while it decreases with increase in cone apex angle. The results are shown as design charts which will be helpful in site for field engineers
Description: Copyright belongs to proceeding publisher
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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