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Title: Influence of Trivalent Non-Magnetic Ion On Structure, Optical, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of YCrO3 Perovskite
Authors: Ray, Sujata Kumari
Sahoo, Payala
Pati, Anupama
Sahoo, Alok kumar
Dash, Suryanarayan
Keywords: YCrO3 perovskite
Issue Date: Dec-2023
Citation: International Conference on Magnetic Materials and Applications (ICMAGMA), Hyderabad, India, 4-6 December 2023
Abstract: In this report, effect of Bi3+ doped on structural, optical, magnetic and dielectric properties is studied. Upon Bi substitutions, unit cell volume shows an evolution and the average grain size is elongated. The optical band gap of the prepared samples decreases with increasing Bi content. The maximum magnetization (Ms) value decreases and coercively (Hc) increases that can be attributed to the increasing structural distortion with Bi content. There is an anomaly observed at around magnetic transition in the temperature dependent dielectric study. The dielectric permittivity is enhanced upon Bi substitutions
Description: Copyright belongs to proceeding publisher
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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