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dc.contributor.authorArun, Kumar-
dc.contributor.authorTuruk, A K-
dc.identifier.citationInternational Conference on Sensors and Related Networks (SENNET’07),en
dc.description.abstract1This project aims to evaluate and compare the performance of two of the routing protocols for wireless sensor networks. The two routing protocols chosen for comparison are Flooding and Directed Diffusion. The project thus involves the study of wireless sensor networks, simulation of Flooding and Directed Diffusion protocols in the NS simulator and finally analyzing the trace files to gather information required for comparison. Comparison is performed on a set of metrics and the results are presented in the form of graphs showing the impact of network size on each metric. The metrics chosen for comparison are Average delay, Duplication overhead, Packet delivery ratio, Routing overhead, Data delivery cost and throughput. On the basis of results obtained after comparison, it is finally concluded that Directed Diffusion can perform much better than the traditional Flooding scheme in similar conditions of network size and work load.en
dc.format.extent310479 bytes-
dc.publisherVIT Velloreen
dc.titleSimulation of Sensor Network Protocols and their Comparisonen
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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