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Title: Optimization of Acrylonitrile Removal by Activated Carbon-Granular Using Response Surface Methodology
Authors: Kumar, Arvind
Prasad, B
Mishra, I M
Keywords: Box–Behnken
acrylonitrile (AN)
response surface methodology (RSM)
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering
Citation: The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol 87, August 2009
Abstract: A statistical Box–Behnken design of experiments was performed to evaluate the effects of individual operating variables and their interactions on the acrylonitrile (AN) removal of C0 =100 mg/L as fixed input parameter. The variables examined in this study included activated carbon-granular (AC) dosage, w, temperature, T, and time of contact, t. The significant variables and optimum conditions were identified (w=4 g/L, T=30◦C,and t=120 min with AN uptake of 23.97 mg/g of AC) from statistical analysis of the experimental results using response surface methodology (RSM). Un plan des exp´eriences statistiques de Box–Behnken a ´et´e conc¸u afin d’´evaluer les effets des variables de fonctionnement individuelles et leurs interactions sur l’´elimination de 100 mg/L d’acrylonitrile (AN) comme param`etre d’entr´ee fixe. Les variables examin´ees dans le cadre de cette ´etude comprenaient le dosage de charbon granulaire activ´e (w), la temp´erature (T) et le temps de s´ejour (t). Les variables importantes et les conditions optimales ont ´et´e d´etermin´ees (et minimales avec une absorption de 23,97 mg/g d’AN) `a partir de l’analyse statistique des r´esultats exp´erimentaux au moyen de la m´ethodologie de la surface de r´eponse (MSR).
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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