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Showing results 4459 to 4478 of 4764 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Tabu Based Back Propagation Algorithm for Performance Improvement in Communication ChannelsSatapathy, J K; Subhashini, K R
2008A Tabu Based Neural Network Training Algorithm for Equalization of Communication ChannelsSatapathy, J K; Subhashini, K R
2006Tabu Search Based Brain MR Image Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Random Field ModelPatra, D; Nanda, P K
14-Jul-2009TACA: A Topology Adaptive Clustering Algorithm For Mobile Ad Hoc NetworkChinara, S; Rath, S K
2008A Taguchi Approach for Investigation of Erosion of Glass Fiber - Polyester CompositesPatnaik, A; Satapathy, Alok; Mahapatra, S S; Dash, R R
2008Taguchi method applied to parametric appraisal of erosion behavior of GF-reinforced polyester compositesMahapatra, S S; Patnaik, A; Satapathy, Alok
Dec-2023Tailoring the Luminescence Intensity of 808 nm responsive Core-shell Upconversion Material through Lattice DefectPandey, Panchanan; Giri, Supratim
Oct-2022Tailoring The Luminescence Intensity of 808 NM Responsive Core-Shell Upconversion Nanomaterials by The Introduction of Non-Lanthanide Ion LiPandey, Panchanan; Giri, Supratim
Dec-2016Tangible Service Level Assessment of Urban Streets using Point System to Support Improvement Issues for Private Mode ofJena, Suprava; Beura, Sambit Kumar; Bhuyan, Prasanta Kumar
Dec-2013Target Seeking Behaviour of an Intelligent Mobile Robot Using Advanced Particle Swarm OptimizationDeepak, B B V L; Parhi, D R
Dec-2022Target tracking of Autonomous underwater vehicle using a neural network disturbance observerPriyadarshan, Pratyush; Srinivas, J
Nov-2024Taro Starch-based Bioplastic Reinforced with Fuller’s EarthNair, G Geethika; Thirugnanam, A.
2008Task Allocation Methodologies for Multi-Robot SystemsChoudhury, B B; Biswal, B B
2008Task assignment and scheduling in a constrained manufacturing system using GAChoudhury, B B; Mishra, D; Biswal, B B
Feb-2013TBS: A Threshold Based Scheduling in Grid EnvironmentPanda, S K; Khilar, P M
Dec-2018TCA: A multi constraint real-time task scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous cloud environmentSahoo, Sampa; Sahu, Sahil Kumar; Rath, Tanmay Kumar; Sahoo, Bibhudatta; Turuk, Ashok Kumar
Nov-2010A Technique for Communication of Distance Node on Key Pre-distribution in Wireless Sensor NetworksAddya, S K; Turuk, A K
Jul-2012A Technique for Pulse RADAR Detection Using RRBF Neural NetworkSahoo, A K; Panda, G; Majhi, B
Dec-2022A Technique to Improve RCS in Passive Chipless RFID Tags by Incorporating Array StructureMishra, Durga Prasad; Goyal, Ishu; Behera, Santanu Kumar
May-2012Techno economic evaluation of iron ore pellet manufacturing processes in india and justification for new units in odishaNaik, H K; Pradhan, I C