Browsing by Author Panda, Mahabir

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2024Combine Effect of Sulphur-Chitin on Aging Susceptibility of Asphalt BinderDas, Aditya Kumar; Panda, Mahabir
Nov-2024Comprehensive Study on Development of Sustainable Pavement Quality Concrete for Rural Road Utilizing Coal Bottom AshPradhan, Siddharth Shankar; Pal, Abinash Chandra; Das, Aditya Kumar; Panda, Mahabir; Sarkar, Pradip
Dec-2024Data-Driven Three-Wheeler Delay Prediction in Mixed Traffic conditions at Signalized Intersections Using YOLOv8 and Machine LearningNayak, Subhada; Panda, Mahabir; Bhuyan, Prashanta Kumar
2016Development and evaluation of Sulphur modified bitumen binderPanda, Mahabir; Ojha, Jhunarani; Purohit, Siddharth
Jul-2023Development of 3W-LOS Prediction Model for Urban Roadways using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Interface SystemNayak, Subhada; Panda, Mahabir; Bhuyan, Prasanta Kumar
Jun-2024Engineering and Resilient Properties of Local Clayey Soil Improved by Fly Ash and Cement for Pavement SubgradePanda, Mahabir; Sahoo, Subhendu Sekhar; Naik, Niyati; Das, Aditya Kumar; Bhuyan, Prasanta Kumar
Mar-2024Engineering Characterization of Bituminous Mix Using Chitin Modified BitumenKumar, Jilla Nithin; Das, Aditya Kumar; Panda, Mahabir
Nov-2017Influence Of Compactive Effort On Sulfur Modified Sand-Bituminous Paving MixesJena, Subhashree; Panda, Mahabir; Bhuyan, Prasanta Kumar
Mar-2024Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Geopolymer PQC Utilizing Industrial WastesKumar, Atharaw; Pradhan, Siddharth Shankar; Das, Aditya Kumar; Panda, Mahabir
May-2019Microstructural Characteristics of Bituminous Mix Using X-ray CTJena, Subhashree; Pathi, Bignya Ranjan; Panda, Mahabir
Jun-2022Performance Characteristics of Pavement Sub-base Containing Steel SlagPanda, Mahabir; Barik, Shubhakanta; Mishra, Siddhartha Sekhar; Kar, Prateek; Bhuyan, Prasanta Kumar
Apr-2018A Simple Approach for Modification of RAP BitumenPurohit, Siddharth; Panda, Mahabir
Aug-2017A Study on Use of Locally Available Moorum in Pavement Base and Sub-BaseBarik, Shubhakanta; Panda, Mahabir; Bhuyan, Prasanta Kumar
Jul-2021Utilisation of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in Bituminous Paving Mixes: An Economic EvaluationGiri, Jyoti Prakash; Panda, Mahabir; Sahoo, Umesh Chandra
Jul-2019Utilisation of waste materials for improvement of bituminous mix performancesGiri, Jyoti Prakash; Panda, Mahabir; Sahoo, Umesh Chandra