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Title: What Determines University-Industry Collaboration? Evidence from R&D Intensive Firms in India
Authors: Chatterjee, Rituparna
Roy, Ipsita
Keywords: Edge intelligence
service placement
sensor networks
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Issue Date: Mar-2025
Citation: 59th Annual Conference of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES), Banaras Hindu University (BHU),Varanasi, 3-5 March 2025
Abstract: The rapid advancements in wireless communication result in demand for low-latency and energy-efficient services. Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) offers a promising solution by providing computational resources closer to end users, thus enhancing user experience and reducing the energy consumption of mobile devices. This paper uses a novel simulation environment to deploy and evaluate the Edge-Intelligent Service Placement Algorithm (EISPA). The parameter setting used in implementation demonstrates significant energy savings for EISPA, which reduces energy consumption by 41.07% compared to Gale-Shapley Stable Marriage Matching (GSSMM). The comparative analysis also highlights EISPA’s ability to handle dynamic service demands effectively. Furthermore, the results reveal the robustness of EISPA in adapting to varying network conditions, ensuring reliable service placement decisions.
Description: Copyright belongs to proceeding publisher
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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