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Title: Comprehensive Modeling and Design of Low Cost Piezoelectric Based Ultrasound Wireless Power Transfer for Submersible Sensors
Authors: Sahu, Shishank
Kumar, H Prem Sai
Kundu, Sudip
Keywords: Piezoelectric based ultrasound device
wireless power transfer
high frequency rectifier
Issue Date: Mar-2025
Citation: 4th IEEE International Conference on Range Technology (ICORT-2025) DRDO, Chandipur, 06-08 March 2025
Abstract: This paper proposes a low-cost ultrasound (US) based wireless power transfer (WPT) link for powering lowpower electronics devices used in underwater conditions. The proposed US-WPT link comprises a pair of low-cost ultrasonic transducers, one as a transmitter (Tx) and the other one as a receiver (Rx), and a low-cost full bridge rectifier circuit using Schottky diodes. The paper extensively discussed the modeling of the ultrasound devices, focusing on the energy harvesting perspective and also on designing a low-cost efficient rectifier to generate DC power from ultrasound signal received at the piezoelectric-receiver module. It also may be noted that the developed US-WPT link is capable of generating power wirelessly as high as 3.7 mW in underwater conditions. Therefore, it can be claimed that the overall design of the US-WPT link is quite simple yet highly efficient for immersible sensor nodes
Description: Copyright belongs to the proceeding publisher.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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