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Title: Full-Wave Coupling Impact on DoA Computation
Authors: Ghosal, Sandip
Mazumder, Lopamudra
Keywords: Direction of arrival
Angle of arrival
Phase Scanning Array
Mutual Coupling
Issue Date: Mar-2025
Citation: 4th IEEE International Conference on Range Technology (ICORT-2025) DRDO, Chandipur, 06-08 March 2025
Abstract: This work reports a new technique to include the impact of electromagnetic coupling in computation of the direction of arrival by the linear or rectangular array. Realistic modeling of the transmitter and receiving array have been considered to compute the angles of arrival of a far-field signal. The proposed approach is based on Maxwell’s equations with numerical implementation using the Method of Moment (MoM) technique. Unlike the steering vector based alternate signal estimation algorithms, the proposed technique includes full-wave electromagnetic polarization and mutual coupling effects. The proposed analysis for linear receiving array is generic in terms of antenna elements, operation frequency or material properties. From an application perspective, it can be useful in physics-aware design of next generation communication environment as well as in source localization applications
Description: Copyright belongs to the proceeding publisher.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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