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dc.contributor.authorSingh, Abhishek Kumar-
dc.contributor.authorOnam, Priyadarshi-
dc.contributor.authorRam, Sahendra-
dc.identifier.citationMINEXCHANGE 2025 SME Annual Conference & Expo (MINEXCHANGE), Denver, Colorado,USA, 22-25 February 2025en_US
dc.descriptionCopyright belongs to the proceeding publisher.en_US
dc.description.abstractA numerical simulation study is carried out for assessment of stability of coal pillars having dirt bands by varying its size and depths. Physico-mechanical properties of dirt bands including thickness and its position in pillar system are varied in the simulation study. Results of the simulation study are correlated with the available empirical approaches of pillar strength are validated with field observations. It is observed that the presence of weak dirt bands significantly influences the strength of pillar. An attempt is made to develop correction factor for the available empirical approaches, which are developed without considering the weak dirt bands in pillar system. The findings of the study will be helpful for suitable design of different size of coal pillars at different depths and stages of depillaring operations.en_US
dc.subjectCoal pillaren_US
dc.subjectDirt bandsen_US
dc.subjectDepth of coveren_US
dc.subjectPillar strengthen_US
dc.titleAssessment of Impact of Dirt Bands on Coal Pillar Strength at Different Depths of Cover—A Numerical Simulation Studyen_US
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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