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dc.contributor.authorDeepak, B B V L-
dc.contributor.authorBabuprakash, Sreeja Manickam-
dc.contributor.authorJain, Sarthak-
dc.contributor.authorAnjali, Bogom-
dc.identifier.citation10th International Conference on Research Into Design(ICoRD'25), Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India, 8-10 January 2025en_US
dc.descriptionCopyright belongs to the proceeding publisheren_US
dc.description.abstractAgriculture robot has emerged as a transformation field, promising to revolutionize traditional farming practices by enhancing efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. Weed free condition during the critical period of crop is absolute important for getting maximum yield. Weeds can be effectively managed by physical, chemical, and biological method. Among all those methods, hand weeding is an effective method of weed management. At the same time, increased labour wages and unavailability of agriculture labour during peak time of farm operations creates a major problem. This problem can be resolved by introducing an autonomous weed removing agriculture robot. This study comes with an innovative product design strategy for developing an automated weeding robotic system. The chassis design of agriculture robots plays a critical role in enabling seamless operation across diverse terrains and tasks. This research paper explores the latest advancements in chassis design for agricultural robots, focusing on enhancing mobility, weed removing process through 3-axis manipulator.en_US
dc.subjectProduct Designen_US
dc.subjectConcept generationen_US
dc.subjectDetail Designen_US
dc.subjectweeding roboten_US
dc.subjectrobotic armen_US
dc.titleAn Innovative Product Design Solution towards the Development of a Weeding Robotic System in Dry Farm Landsen_US
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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