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dc.contributor.authorDash, S-
dc.contributor.authorRay, Sujata K.-
dc.contributor.authorMohanta, S-
dc.contributor.authorBedanta, S-
dc.identifier.citationInternational Conference on Magnetic Materials and Applications(ICMAGMA), IISc Bengaluru, India, 12-14 February 2025en_US
dc.descriptionCopyright belongs to the proceeding publisheren_US
dc.description.abstractPolycrystalline samples of Y1-xSmxCrO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) are synthesized through an ethylene glycol-assisted sol-gel auto-combustion route. All the samples crystallize in orthorhombic structure with Pnma symmetry. Magnetic measurement shows intriguing properties, i.e. spin reorientation (SR) followed by exchange bias (EB) effect below TSR. This result is attributed to competing interaction between the Sm and Cr below TSR. Moreover, magnetic transition temperature (TN) is shifted towards higher temperatures from 141 K to 156 K. The temperature and frequency dependence of dielectric permittivity (ε) and loss tangent (tan δ) are analyzed over a wide temperature range of 80-523 K. The temperature-dependent dielectric permittivity is increased with Sm substitution. Moreover, all the compounds show relaxor-like ferroelectric behavior. All the samples follow a p-type polaronic conduction mechanism.en_US
dc.subjectSpin reorientationen_US
dc.subjectSm-substituted YCrO3en_US
dc.titleSpin Reorientation Induced Exchange Bias Effect in Sm-Substituted YCrO3en_US
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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