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Title: Development of Strategies for Improving Air Quantity in Indian Underground Metal Mine – A Case Study
Authors: Raju, G D N
Shriwas, M K
Morla, R
Keywords: Mine ventilation
Underground metal mine
Issue Date: Aug-2024
Citation: International Mine Ventilation Congress (IMVC), Sydney, Australia, 12-16 August 2024
Abstract: The mine ventilation system is one of the most integral part of any underground mine, ensuring adequate quantity and quality of airflow in the subsurface mine workings. A minimum air quantity requirement is necessary for the safety and health of miners and improving productivity. The ventilation survey was conducted in an underground metal mine located in India as a case study to determine the quantity of air flowing and pressure drop at different mine branches. The ventilation survey data was used to develop a ventilation network model using Ventsim software for simulations. The eight cases were simulated using Venstim to supply adequate quantity of air for the next extracting level. The case 4 is best suited in supplying sufficient air quantity to the upcoming new level out of eight cases. The simulation results help in developing strategies for improving air quantity in the mine.
Description: Copyright belongs to the proceeding publisher.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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