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Title: Significance of Pretreatment on Mechanical and Dielectric Properties of Kapok Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite
Authors: Das, Ramyaranjan
Bisoyi, Dillip Kumar
Keywords: Polymer composite
Dielectric properties
Mechanical strength
Natural fiber
Issue Date: Feb-2024
Citation: International Conference on Sustainable Materials for Engineering Applications(ICSMEA), IIT Madras, 1-3 February 2024
Abstract: The present work deals with the dielectric and mechanical investigation of raw and dewaxed kapok fiber-reinforced polymer composites. Polymer composites were fabricated by hand lay-up technique at optimal fiber loading (i.e., 5%). The interfacial adhesion at the fiber-matrix interface and surface roughness of the fiber increases after pretreatment and hence mechanical strength of the composite increases. In order to understand the impact of pretreatment on kapok fiber and its composites, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Mechanical behavior and dielectric responses are investigated. The dielectric properties of the composites were investigated in the frequency range from 100HZ to 1MHZ at room temperature.
Description: Copyright belongs to proceeding publisher
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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