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dc.contributor.authorChanda, Siba Sankar-
dc.contributor.authorGuchhait, Shyamal-
dc.identifier.citation13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2023), VNIT, Nagpur, 07-09 December 2023en_US
dc.descriptionCopyright belongs to proceeding publisheren_US
dc.description.abstractLightweight geopolymer concrete (LWGPC) develops with the polymerization process, which is induced due to the mixture of the fly ash and GGBFS content with lightweight aggregates in addition to the alkali activators. This paper reviews the pozzolanic activity of GGBFS on mechanical, durability and microstructural characteristics of LWGPC under temperature as well as am- bient curing conditions. The detailed review work has been done by studying the mechanical characteristics (flexural tensile strength, splitting tensile strength and compressive strength) of the LWGPC. During ambient curing of the speci- mens, the pozzolanic reaction of GGBFS increases the rate of the chemical reac- tions of LWGPC. The current article has also focused on the durability and the microstructural characteristics of LWGPC to know about the pozzolanic nature of GGBFS. This paper highlights the utilization of GGBFS as an industrial by- product in the sustainable development of lightweight geopolymer concreteen_US
dc.subjectGround granulated blast furnace slagen_US
dc.subjectmechanical properties; dura- bility propertiesen_US
dc.subjectmicrostructural propertiesen_US
dc.titleA Review On Pozzolanic Behaviour of GGBFS in Light-Weight Geopolymer Concreteen_US
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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