Browsing by Author Sengupta, P

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Alkali Metal (Na+ and K+)-Mediated Supramolecular Assembly of Oxovanadium(V) Complexes: Synthesis and Structural CharacterizationDinda, R; Majhi, P K; Sengupta, P; Pasayat, S; Ghosh, S; Falvello, L R; Mak, T C W
1998An Attempt to Develop Sulfate Bonded Alumino–Silicate RefractoriesSarkar, D; Sengupta, P; Bhattacharya, N R; Das, S; Das, P K; Poddar
May-1973Design of a Gas- Solid SemifluidizerRoy, G K; Sengupta, P
2002A family of mononuclear molybdenum-(VI), and -(IV) oxo complexes with a tridentate (ONO) ligandDinda, R; Sengupta, P; Ghosh, S; Mayer-Figge, Heike; Sheldrick, W S
Oct-1975Prediction of Minimum and Maximum Semi-fluidization Velocities for Gas-Solid Systems by NomographsRoy, G K; Sengupta, P
Sep-1971Prediction of Minimum and Maximum Semifluidization Velocities by NomographsRoy, G K; Sengupta, P; Sarma, K J R
1974Prediction of the Packed Bed Height in Gas-Solid SemifluidizationRoy, G K; Sengupta, P
1973Prediction of the Pressure Drop Across a Gas-Solid Semi-fluidized BedRoy, G K; Sengupta, P
Nov-1972Relationship between the Onset of Semi-fluidization Velocity and the Minimum Fluidization VelocityRoy, G K; Sengupta, P
Jan-1975Semi - Fluidization Design StudyRoy, G K; Sengupta, P
1975Semifluidization Characteristics of Some Gas-Solid SystemsRoy, G K; Sengupta, P
2002Valence Delocalization in a Mixed-Oxidation Divanadium (IV, V) Complex Electrogenerated from Its Structurally Characterized Divanadium (V) Analogue with a Tridentate (ONO) LigandDinda, R; Sengupta, P; Ghosh, Saktiprosad; Mak, T C W