Browsing by Author Sarkar, Angana

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Nov-2017Advancement of omics: Future prospects for bioremediation of contaminated soilsGupta, Kriti; Biswas, Rimi; Maurya, Vivekanand; Sarkar, Angana
Dec-2024Antibiofilm Activity of Allium Sativum (Garlic) Extracts Against the Biofilm-Forming Bacteria in Cooling Water SystemsIbrahim, Suha; Sarkar, Angana
Dec-2021Arsenic contamination in India with its detection through biosensor and bioremediation from the aqueous system: A complete reviewMaity, Sourav; Bose, Samprit; Lohar, Sadhana; Sarkar, Angana
Jul-2024Biofilm Inhibition Efficacy of Agave Sisalana Leaves Extracts Against a Bacterial Consortium in Cooling Water SystemIbrahim, Suha; Sarkar, Angana
Dec-2023Conversion of Flower Waste Biomass into Value-Added Natural ColorantGuddi, Kumari; Sarkar, Angana
Nov-2024Conversion of Ixora Coccinea Flower Waste into Activated Biochar: A Sustainable Strategy for Minimizing Environmental PollutionGuddi, Kumari; Sarkar, Angana
Feb-2024Detection, Characterization, and Controlling the Biofilm Forming Bacteria in the Cooling Water SystemIbrahim, Suha; Sarkar, Angana
Jan-2025Formulation and Characterization of Biodegradable Bio-Composites from Banana Peel-Derived Pectin with Plant Extract Integration for Sustainable Antimicrobial ApplicationBhoi, Renupama; Sarkar, Angana
Nov-2023Microbial Community Analysis in Cooling Tower Systems for Biofilm Growth ControlDokania, Puja; Sarkar, Angana
Oct-2023Natural Colorant Extraction and Plant Regeneration from Ixora CoccineaGuddi, Kumari; Sarkar, Angana
Dec-2022Natural Pigment Extraction from Ixora Coccinea for Its Use in Cosmetic ProductsGuddi, Kumari; Sarkar, Angana
Feb-2024Physical and Chemical Characterization of Fly-Ash and Overburden Soil for Metal RecoveryPatro, Arpita; Dokania, Puja; Jayanthu, Singam; Sarkar, Angana
Nov-2022Process optimization and production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates from sugarcane molasses by Pseudomonas sp. PhNs10.Patil, Pritam Bajirao; Sarkar, Debapriya; Poddar, Kasturi; Sarkar, Angana
Nov-2018Production of ethanol by marine bacterium M1 using domestic wasteGupta, Kriti; Sarkar, Debapriyo; Sarkar, Angana
Mar-2025Utilizing Banana Peel-Derived Biopolymers for Sustainable Environmental Remediation and Eco-Friendly Food Packaging SolutionsBhoi, Renupama; Sarkar, Angana