Browsing by Author Dwivedi, Madhuresh

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2024Application of Cold Plasma Technology on Functional Properties of Millet FlourJaddu, Samuel; Dwivedi, Madhuresh; Pradhan, Rama Chandra
Dec-2023An Application of Image Analysis to Model Changes in Millet Kernel Water Absorption and Dimensions During Hydration at Different TemperaturesSingh, Chingakham Ngotomba; Niranjan, Thota; Dwivedi, Madhuresh
Feb-2024Assessment of Functional Characteristics in Little Millet Flour: A Comparative Analysis between Plasma-Activated Water (PAW) and Direct Cold Plasma TreatmentJaddu, Samuel; Pradhan, Rama Chandra; Dwivedi, Madhuresh; Bansode, Venkatraman
Feb-2024Development of Millet-based Rice AnalogueNiranjan, Thota; Dwivedi, Madhuresh; Dalbhagat, Chandrakant Genu
Nov-2022Development of non-destructive method for the assessment of storage quality of small onion (A. ascalonicum)Dwivedi, Madhuresh
Jul-2019Development of online quality control of fermentation process during leaving of dough using FT-NIR and E-NoseDwivedi, Madhuresh; Singh, Sushil K.
Dec-2023Development of Pasta by incorporating Kadamb Fruit (Neolamarckia cadamba) PowderPanda, Tarak Chandra; Seth, Dibyakanta; Dwivedi, Madhuresh; Bansode, Venkatraman
Feb-2025Effects of Extrusion Process Parameters on the Production of Sustainable Millet-Based Rice Analogues: Investigating Cooking, Physiochemical, Rheological and Structural Properties in Relation to Conventional RiceGanga Kishore, S.; Dwivedi, Madhuresh
Jun-2019Evaluation of extrudates from sorghum-grape pomace blends by extrusion processingSingh, Sushil K.; Singha, Poonam; Dwivedi, Madhuresh
Feb-2024Fortification of Millet-Based Products to Tackle MalnutritionDwivedi, Madhuresh
Nov-2024Impact of Drying Methods On Bioactive Compounds, Thermal Properties and Microstructure of Nagpur Mandarin (Citrus Reticulate Blanco) Peel PowderBansode, Venkatraman; Ghosh, Dilip; Roy, Subhra Saikat; Dwivedi, Madhuresh; Pradhan, Rama Chandra
Dec-2023Impact of Multipin Atmospheric Cold Plasma (MACP) on Techno-Functional Properties of Little Millet FlourJaddu, Samuel; Pradhan, Rama Chandra; Dwivedi, Madhuresh
Dec-2023Impact of Plasma Activated Water Assisted Ultrasound Extraction On Bioactives, Crude Polysaccharides and Antioxidant Activity of Brown Seaweed (Sargassum Wightii)Venkatesan, Vignesh; Niranjan, Thota; Tiwari, Brijesh K.; Seth, Dibyakanta; Dwivedi, Madhuresh