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Results 21-30 of 70 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2021A Sigmoid Least Mean Fourth based Control Scheme for a Single-Stage Grid-Tied PV SystemParida, Abhisek; Subudhi, Bidyadhar; Ray, Pravat Kumar
Oct-2021Array of chipless RFID sensor tag for wireless detection of crack on large metallic surfaceSuneel Kumar, Chitturi; Patre, Situ Rani
Sep-2021Short-term Wind Power Forecasting using Wavelet based Recurrent Wavelet Neural Network for Small-Scale Wind TurbinePradhan, Prangya Parimita; Subudhi, Bidyadhar; Ghosh, Arnab
Oct-2021A note on fractal dimension for a class of fractal interpolation functionsJha, Sangita; Verma, Saurabh
Apr-2021Comfort-energy nexus in naturally ventilated affordable mass housing with alternative constructions in the developing worldSen, Roshmi; Bhattacharya, Shankha Pratim; Chattopadhyay, Subrata
Oct-2021Anomaly melting transition of silicon using free energy analysis from pseudo-supercritical thermodynamic path: a molecular dynamics studyDas, Chandan Kumar
Oct-2021Neural Network Model-based Direct Torque and Flux Predictor for Induction Motor DriveMohanty, Kanungo Barada; Sahu, Abhimanyu; Mishra, Rabi Narayan
Sep-2021Anomaly phase transition of silicon: a molecular dynamics studyGhanta, Susanta; Das, Chandan Kumar
Sep-2021Removal of Mercury(Hg) and Arsenic(As) from waste water using biological routeSinha, Vikash Kumar; Ghanta, Susanta; Dasa, Chandan Kumar
Nov-2021Variable valence non-oxido and oxido-vanadium systems: exploring their interconversion in solution, and biological activityDinda, Rupam