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Results 11-20 of 70 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2021Transfer Learning-Based Automatic Detection of Acute Lymphocytic LeukemiaDas, Pradeep Kumar; Meher, Sukadev
Jul-2021Utilisation of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in Bituminous Paving Mixes: An Economic EvaluationGiri, Jyoti Prakash; Panda, Mahabir; Sahoo, Umesh Chandra
Jul-2021Settlement analysis of shallow foundation on frictional soil under combined effect of static and cyclic loadSasmal, Suvendu Kumar; Behera, Rabi Narayan
Sep-2021LETO: An Efficient Load Balanced Strategy for Task Offloading in IoT-Fog SystemsSwain, Chittaranjan; Sahoo, Manmath Narayan; Satpathy, Anurag
Apr-2021Estimating Ultimate Load Carrying Capacity of Shell Foundation: Neural Network model and Sensitivity Analysisjayadas K, Anjali; Sasmal, Suvendu Kumar; Behera, Rabi Narayana
Sep-2021Dealing with Class Imbalance in Sentiment Analysis using Deep Learning and SMOTEKedas, Shweta; Kumar, Arun; Jain, Puneet Kumar
Sep-2021Anomaly in the behavior of silicon from free energy analysis: a computational studyDas, Chandan Kumar
Sep-2021Determination of free energy difference between anomaly solid-liquid phase transitions of silicon using pseudo-supercritical thermodynamic path: a molecular dynamics studyDas, Chandan Kumar
Sep-2021Self-tuned Adaptation Rate Lyapunov based Voltage Controller for a Grid Connected PV SystemBhunia, Malay; Subudhi, Bidyadhar; Ray, Pravat Kumar
Aug-2021Hardware realization of video enhancement and compression algorithmsKolanu, Harish Reddy; Nagrale, Priyadarshini; Okade, Manish; Mahapatra, Kamalakanta