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Results 41-50 of 57 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014The behaviour of aluminium matrix composites under thermal stresses-a reviewDash, K; Sukumaran, S; Ray, B C
2014An assessment of mechanical behaviour and fractography study of glass/epoxy composites at different temperatures and loading speedsSethi, S; Ray, B C
Sep-2014In-service Performance of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite in Different Environmental Conditions: A ReviewMahato, K K; Shukla, M J; Kumar, D S; Ray, B C
Dec-2012Analysis of Properties of Copper-Alumina Composites Produced by Various Processing Routes: A ReviewGupta, S; Dash, K; Ray, B C
Sep-2014Assessment and modification strategies for improved interlaminar properties of advanced FRP composites: A reviewPrusty, R K; Rathore, D K; Ray, B C
Oct-2014Effects of temperature and loading speed on interfacedominated strength in fibre/polymer composites: An evaluation for in-situ environmentSethi, S; Rathore, D K; Ray, B C
2013Mechanical Behavior of Polymer Composites at Cryogenic TemperaturesSethi, S; Ray, B C
Feb-2015A comparative study of the mechanical performance of Glass and Glass/Carbon hybrid polymer composites at different temperature environmentsShukla, M J; Kumar, D S; Mahato, K K; Rathore, D K; Prusty, R K; Ray, B C
8-Oct-2014A Review on Mechanical Behavior of FRP Composites at Different Loading SpeedsRay, B C; Rathore, D
Feb-2015Effect of post-curing on thermal and mechanical behavior of GFRP compositesKumar, D S; Shukla, M J; Mahato, K K; Rathore, D; Prusty, R K; Ray, B C