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Showing results 3529 to 3548 of 4764 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2016Prediction of Mixing Layer in Symmetric and Asymmetric Compound ChannelsDevi, K; Khatua, K K; Khutia, J R
2010Prediction of mode-I overload-induced fatigue crack growth rates using neuro-fuzzy approachMohanty, J R; Verma, B B; Ray, P K; Parhi, D R K
2000Prediction of Moisture Content and Mechanical Properties in FRP CompositesSaha, J K; Ray, B C
Jun-1971Prediction of Onset Semifluidization, Maximum Semifluidization Velocities and the Packed Bed HeightRoy, G K; Sarma, K J R
Jun-1988Prediction of Optimum Economic Pipe Diameter by NomographRoy, G K
2003Prediction of Overbreak in Underground Tunnel Blasting: A Case StudyMurthy, V M S R; Dey, K; Raitani, R
May-2011Prediction of pile-separation length under vertical vibration using ANNDas, S K; Manna, B; Baidya, D K
Jun-1977Prediction of Pressure Drop Across A Gas-Solid Semi-fluidized BedRoy, G K; Sarma, K J R
Mar-1978Prediction of Pressure Drop across a Liquid-Solid Semifluidized BedRoy, G K; Sarma, K J R
2006Prediction of Pressure Drop and Top Packed Bed Height in Three-Phase Semi-fluidized Bed with Cylindrical ParticlesSimon, A P; Thakur, C; Moghekar, D M; Jena, H M
1984Prediction of Pressure Drop for a Conical Fixed Bed of Spherical Particles in Gas-Solid SystemsBiswal, K C; Bhowmik, T; Roy, G K
1984Prediction of pressure drop for a conical fixed bed of spherical particles in gas—solid systemsBiswal, K C; Bhowmik, T; Roy, G K
2009Prediction of residual fatigue life under interspersed mixed-mode (I and II) overloads by Artificial Neural NetworkMohanty, J R; Parhi, D R K; Ray, P K; Verma, B B
2008Prediction of Residual Friction Angle of Clays using Artificial Neural NetworkDas, S K; Basudhar, P K
2008Prediction of S&P 500 and DJIA Stock Indices using Particle Swarm Optimization TechniqueMajhi, R; Panda, G; Sahoo, G; Panda, A; Choubey, A
2004Prediction of salt effect in vapour-liquid equilibria of system ethyl acetate-ethanol at atmospheric pressureRath, P; Naik, S C
May-1975Prediction of Semi-fluidization Velocity of Irregular Particles in Liquid-Solid SystemRoy, G K; Sarma, K J R
Jan-1977Prediction of Semifluidization Velocity and Packed Bed Formation for Heterogeneous Mixtures in Liquid-Solid SystemsRoy, G K; Biswal, K C
2004Prediction of Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient for Common GasesSwain, Anup Kumar; Roy, G K
Nov-2005Prediction of Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient for Common Liquids use of NomographSwain, Anup Kumar; Roy, G K