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Showing results 3150 to 3169 of 4764 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2017On-Chip RO-Sensor for Recycled IC DetectionSahoo, Sauvagya Ranjan; Sudeendra, K; Mahapatra, A; Swain, A. K; Mahapatra, Kamala Kanta
Jan-2011On-line Fault Diagnosis for Distributed Communication NetworksMahapatro, A; Khilar, Pabitra Mohan
2000On-line tracking of time varying harmonics using an integrated extended complex Kalman filter and Fourier linear combinerDash, P K; Pradhan, A K; Panda, G; Jena, R K; Panda, S K
Dec-2022One pot synthesis of nanodiamonds embedded glass-ceramics from egg yolkTripathy, Soumya Pratap; Gupta, Saurabh Kumar; Parida, Kritideepan; Nayak, Binay Priyadarsan; Pal, Sumit Kumar; Pal, Kunal; Ray, Sirsendu Sekhar
Oct-2022One-dimensional driven non-Hermitian quasicrystalsChakrabarty, Aditi; Datta, Sanjoy
Jul-2022One-pot Synthesis of MnO2CD for Multiple Applications: Detection of Arsenic in Water, Rice Plant and Reversible Temperature SensingBehera, Lingaraj; Pati, Debasish; Sahu, Binod Bihari; Mohapatra, Sasmita
Dec-2018Online Evaluation of Underground Mine Atmosphere and Scope of Application of WSN - A Case StudyJayanthu, Singam; S, Immanuel; G, Mohit; Vishal; Battu, P
Jul-2024Online State-of-Health Estimation of a Li-ion Battery using Incremental Voltage Difference and Ampere-Hour Throughput as Indirect Health IndicatorsGuha, Arijit; Routh, Bikky; Rameshbabu, Eniyavan; Ranjan, Amit; Naha, Arunava; Mandal, Bappaditya
Oct-1987Onset of Semifluidization and Fluidization in Conical VesselsMurthy, J S N; Suryanarayana, A; Roy, G K; Sahu, G N; Patra, P
Sep-2014Open Ground Storey Buildings designed as per various International Codes – A Seismic Performance Comparison StudyDavis P, R; Haran, Pragalath D.C.; Sarkar, P
Apr-2015Open Source Content Management System for content developmentTripathi, DP
Feb-2017Open Source Solutions for Creation of ETD Archives/Repository: A Case Study of Central Library @ NIT RourkelaTripathi, Dhanwantari Prakash; Gunjal, Bhojaraju; Pradhan, Dibya Kishor
Nov-2018Open Source Solutions in Education and Library – A Case Study of BPCL, NIT RourkelaTripathi, D P
2010Operational Amplifier based Control Circuit for Single Phase Multiple PWM Inverter for Induction Motor Drive ApplicationKaruppanan, P; Mahapatra, K K
Feb-2018Optical-to-SAR Image Registration Using Modified Distinctive Order Based Self-Similarity OperatorPaul, Sourabh; Pati, Umesh C
2006Optimal Area Targeting of Heat Exchanger Network UsingKhanam, S; Mohanty, B
Jan-2017Optimal Assembly Sequence Planning Towards Design for Assembly Using Simulated Annealing TechniqueBala Murali, G; Deepak, B B V L; Raju Bahubalendruni, M V A; Biswal, B B
Mar-2016Optimal controller selection in Software Defined Network using a Greedy-SA algorithmSahoo, K S; Sahoo, Bibhudatta; Dash, R; Jena, N
Apr-2018Optimal Power Flow Using A New Evolutionary Approach: Animal Migration OptimizationChinta, Pridhvi; Subhashini, K. R; Satapathy, J. K
Dec-2023Optimal Resolution to Model Protein Crowding Effects: Lessons from GB1 DimerizationPradhan, Sweta; Rath, Rajendra; Biswas, Mithun