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Showing results 2361 to 2380 of 4764 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Intelligent Fuzzy Interface Technique for the Control of an Autonomous Mobile RootParhi, D R; Singh, M K
2009Intelligent Neuro-Controller for Navigation of Mobile RobotSingh, M K; Parhi, D R
Feb-2017An Intelligent Strategy for Automated Assembly Sequence Planning While Considering DFA ConceptBala Murali, G; Deepak, B B V L; Raju Bahubalendruni, M V A; Biswal, Bibhuti Bhusan
1975Intensity measurements in the 4·54μ fundamental of CH3D at low temperaturesSarangi, S K; Varanasi, P
2013Intensity Range based Background Subtraction for Effective Object DetectionHati, K K; Sa, Pankaj K; Majhi, B
Jun-2022Interaction between Flow and Seepage in an Alluvial ChannelSharma, Anurag; Sahoo, Suchismita; Patel, Mahesh
Dec-2016Interaction Between Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Empirical Evidence from IndiaSethi, Narayan
2008Interaction of Flow in Meandering and Straight Channel with FloodplainsKhatua, K K; Patra, K C
2008Interaction of Shallow Water WavesRaja Sekhar, T; Sharma, V D
Jun-2024Interannual variability of Indian Summer Monsoon rainfall in mid-PlioceneDahiya, Karishma; Chilukoti, Nagaraju; Attada, Raju
2010Interface Assessment in Composite MaterialsSethi, S; Ray, B C
Dec-2023Interface Engineering of Metal-coated Si-nanostructured Thin Films for High-capacity Li-ion Battery AnodeKale, Paresh; Muduli, Sakti Prasanna; Muduli, Rama Chandra; Vecsei, Gergő; Juhász, Laura; Parditka, Bence; Fodor, Tamás; Cserháti, Csaba; Erdélyi, Zoltán
Mar-2015Interface Structure and Kinetics in Doped AluminaBehera, S K; Harmer, M P
Mar-2013Interference Suppression using De-correlating Rake Receiver in case of WCDMAPatel, S; Patra, S K
Mar-2014Intermediate Mode Scheduling in Computational GridPanda, S K; Agrawal, P; Mohapatra, Durga Prasad
Feb-2024International Migration and Inward FDI of India: A Substitute or Complement AnalysisKhatua, Monalisa; Mishra, Bikash Ranjan
Mar-2012Internet Based Boiler Drum Level Control System Using LabVIEWAgrawal, R; Pati, U C
Feb-2020Internet of Things-Enabled Overlay Satellite-Terrestrial Networks in the Presence of InterferenceSharma, Pankaj K; Yogesh, Budharam; Gupta, Deepika
Feb-2019Interoperability and Metadata Capability of Research Data Management’s Tools: A Comparative Study of DSpace and EPrintsTripathi, Dhanwantari Prakash
Dec-2020An Interoperable ECC based Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for IoT EnvironmentSahoo, Asit; Sahoo, Shreeya Swagatika; Sahoo, Sampa; Sahoo, Bibhudatta; Turuk, Ashok Kumar