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Showing results 1914 to 1933 of 4764 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2019Foreign Aid and its Macroeconomic Effect in India and Sri Lanka: An Empirical InvestigationBhujabal, Padmaja; Sethi, Narayan; Das, Aurolipsa; Sucharita, Sanhita
Dec-2014Foreign Aid vs. Economic Development: Exploring the Empirical Linkage for India, Sri Lanka and MaldivesSethi, N
Feb-2020Forensic Detection of Median Filtering in Images Using Local Tetra Patterns and J-DivergenceAnumala, Udayeni; Okade, Manish
Mar-2017Formability Behavior Studies on CP-Al Sheets Processed Through the Helical Tool Path of Incremental Forming ProcessMarkanday, H; Nagarajan, D
2003Formation of BaTiO3 from Barium Oxalate and TiO2Bera, J; Sarkar, D
Sep-2015Formation of in-situ Ceramic Phases in N220 Nano Carbon Containing Low Carbon MgO-C RefractoryBehera, S; Sarkar, R
20-Apr-2005Formation of SrTiO3 from Sr-oxalate and TiO2Roy, P K; Bera, J
Sep-2024Formulation and Characterization of a Novel Quercetin Conjugated MgO Nanoparticle for Cancellous Alveolar Bone Tissue RegenerationPadhihary, Samapti; Pramanik, Krishna
Nov-2011Formulation and characterization of Chitosan coated PLA/PLGA encapsulated microparticles for vaccine developmentNayak, B; Routa, P R; Panda, A K; Ray, A R
Feb-2024Fortification of Millet-Based Products to Tackle MalnutritionDwivedi, Madhuresh
Mar-2013A Four Element Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array For Wireless ApplicationsKhan, I; Kumari, R; Behera, S K
Jul-2024Four-port Non-Isolated DC-DC Converter With PVMPPT & Battery, Supplying AC & DC LoadsKumar, Gaurav; Rudra, Shubhobrata; Ghosh, Arnab
Apr-2012Fourier Analysis of ‘in vivo’ Microscopic Images of Rat Prostate Tissue through Statistical ApproachVaishya, S K; Singh, A K; Bakshi, S; Singh, A K
May-2024FPGA Accelerated Convolutional Neural Network for Detection of Cardiac ArrhythmiaMangaraj, Soumyashree; Oraon, Pawan; Ari, Samit; Swain, Ayas Kanta; Mahapatra, Kamalakanta
Feb-2013FPGA for Reliance on Cloud ComputingMohanty, J P; Mahapatra, K K
Apr-2014FPGA Implementation of Digital PI Controller on Control S trategy of DSTATCOM for Power Quality ImprovementSahu, G; Mahapatra, K K
Apr-2013FPGA Implementation of Discrete Fourier Transform Core Using NEDAMankar, A; N, Prasad; Meher, S
2010FPGA Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Controller For Elevator Group Control SystemPatjoshi, R K; Mahapatra, K K
Mar-2013FPGA Implementation of Pipelined CORDIC Based Quadrature Direct Digital Synthesizer with Improved SFDRPrasad, N; Swain, A K; Mahapatra, K K
Aug-2016FPGA Prototyping and Parameterised based Resource Evaluation of Network on Chip ArchitectureSwain, A K; Rajesh Kumar, B; Satpathy, S N; Mahapatra, K K